Sunday, June 13, 2010


Supermarket parking lot on a Sunday in May. Today's sky is a solid, uninspiring blue.


Lowell said...

Looks like a hot day, for some reason. Interesting that Albertson's is still alive and well out there...they've all closed in Ocala and other parts of Florida.

A few years back, someone in Ocala stole our credit card information and that same afternoon cleaned out our bank accounts - in California! One of the places they spent a lot of money was Albertson's!

Paula said...

That's awful!

(I hope they don't close. It's the primary chain in Covina.)

T. Becque said...

But those type of skies are great for photos!

Los Angeles Suburbia said...

Great cloud formations in this beauty of a capture.

I like Albertson's and shop there all of the time.

frankdejol said...

I also like interesting cloud formations.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
«Louis» finds the supermarket uninspiring, not the blue sky!


Albertson's is gone from the Bay Area. It is interesting how that chain expanded then shrank.