Saturday, June 12, 2010


Weekend Reflections on useful figurines in the window of Collectors Alley and the large truck that got in the way of my shot.


Lowell said...

Svelte figurines! Great reflections. I think the truck adds a bit of pizazz!

Hope you're having a great weekend!

Mitchster, Minneapolis Daily Photo said...

Wow! Delightfully complex image. The eye wanders through the complexities; it would make a good puzzle!

frankdejol said...

Excellent reflection, and in general the whole composition of the image.
Great contrast and colors.

T. Becque said...

Wow, I love this! It's quirky and fun.

Los Angeles Suburbia said...

What noive...that truck...who does it think it is!!

Great shot, wonderful reflections and contrasts. I like the entire composition.