Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Southbound traffic and corporate America seen last Saturday on Vincent Ave. in West Covina.

For other "S" themed scenarios, visit ABC Wednesday.


Keith said...

I know that building well. I worked out of there for a couple of years when it was Home Savings of America.

Lowell said...

Looks almost like a storm is coming. Oh, wait, that's Chase Bank! A storm is coming! Yikes!

Re your comments on the tree...these are all the same kind of tree, all in the same area, all severely pruned, but all are coming back in their full glory...rather amazing...

T. Becque said...

I really like the gas sign - the red is fabulous. And your gas is more expensive than ours, but I'm sure we'll catch up!

Roger Owen Green said...

Jacob- too funny.

Yes the gas in Covina's about a dime more expensive than ours.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Jay said...

Neat shot! If only '76 cents' was the price of the gas, huh?

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

Los Angeles Suburbia Daily Photo said...

What a nice capture of daily goings on. I like the perspective.