Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Opened in February of 2009, this is all that remains of Olamendi's Zona Rosa Mexican Restaurant on Badillo St., seen here on a more hopeful day last September.

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Lowell said...

Luscious photo! But so sad. We had one decent Mexican restaurant in town but that went bust some time ago. The other two are only so-so and I got a bad case of food poisoning at one.

Do you think this might reopen under new management?

And I wondered if you used that "tilt" processing...

K(Banterings of a Basketcase) said...

wonderful picture!

Paula said...

Thanks, K.

Jacob, It's in a prime location so I'm sure something will go in, but we have a surplus of Mexican restaurants. I did use a radial blur set at an angle. Good call.

Gunn said...


frankdejol said...

Just perfect!
I love it.

ChrisJ said...

So sad to see so many places go out of business! Even Macy's, May Company and Mervyn's closed down here, -- not to mention Montgomery Wards.

T. Becque said...

This is superb Paula! I love the colors. Yes, we have lots of vacant buildings too.

Hilda said...

Sigh. Not easy to open any kind of business nowadays. The very bold, graphic interior is so striking too. And it's a lovely photo!

Roger Owen Green said...

Great picture, but a sad topic.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Jay said...

Sad, but it makes a great photo!! Colours and perspective, both wonderful!

Tumblewords: said...

How too bad - it looks beautiful!!