Monday, May 3, 2010


A word of encourgement seen yesterday afternoon. For other black and white photos visit Monochrome Weekend.


Lowell said...

Excellent sepia! And good eye. It would appear this is a neighborhood that could use a little hope and a lot of help!

Re your comment on The're the only one who put together the snobs and the beheaded one! You are one smart and observant person!

Dragonstar said...

The warmth of your sepia treatment seems suited to the idea of hope.

frankdejol said...

Brilliant photo, especially a lovely shade of sepia.

T. Becque said...

Very cool! You are very good at applying affects that enhance your subjects.

Anonymous said...

This is a marvelous architectural image. The textures and the lighting are magnificent.

Los Angeles Suburbia said...

What beautiful tones and wondeful perspective. The lines and flow are lovely.

Ilse said...

Fantastic image! Just one of those moments in life which photography can preserve.

Tash said...

Gallery quality image. Wonderful work, Paula.