Friday, April 16, 2010

March sky

Seen along a mostly non-residential section of San Bernardino Road on the third of March. Displayed today for Skywatch Friday.


Frank de Jol said...

Beautiful soft light.

Lowell said...

Excellent sky and I like the way you made that house stand out like a beacon in the photo!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

gathering storm clouds
drum roll of thunder—somewhere
a child is weeping

My Sky

Los Angeles Suburbia said...

Nice capture of man and nature, and the dramatic sky. A beauty.

T. Becque said...

Yeah, I like how that house stands out too. The sky is awesome and overpowering everything else which is a great effect.

Powell River Books said...

Palm trees remind me of my former home in Southern California. Looks like some moisture in those clouds. - Margy

Kcalpesh said...

Beautifully dramatic!

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